The “BRAIN” Method….

A gentle reminder that never gets old: 

The BRAIN Acronym.

When faced with information, decisions, or choices during pregnancy- one of the best ways that can benefit you is going through this helpful decision-making process.

BBenefits. “What are the Benefits?“ (to this decision, to this action, etc)

RRisks. “What are the Risks?”

AAlternatives: “Are there any Alternatives to the information you are offering or giving me?”

I- Intuition. What is my Intuition telling me? “This feels like a good idea or no, this actually isn’t sitting well with me and my partner and we’d like more discussion, etc.”

NNothing. “If I do nothing, and maybe revisit this in an hour, or I sleep on it, what can I expect.” Or, “Can I take 30 minutes and talk this over with my support team?” 

Barring an emergency, there generally is time to talk a few moments with a care provider or staff member. If a phone call or email has been made to you for you to make a decision on something, take a few minutes to receive the information, and again talk it over with your partner or support team. Let the provider know you will call them back with an answer, or more questions, etc. If you are at your birth place, ask if you can have some time to let the information sit. 

I will encourage my doula-clients to ask “Is this an emergency?” And, if the response is “No”- then ask for some time to go over the information given and ask your provider to come back in at that time. 

BRAIN has been so helpful in many births that I have attended and I imagine will continue to be helpful. It puts the power and energy back into the birthing persons hands and thats where it should be from the start. Shared-decision making is important and it starts at the beginning. Choose a provider that aligns with this thinking, as it will be easier to work together and give you a supportive environment to choose your plan of care, together.  Be well! 

Baltimore Doula

Words from your Newborn Care Specialist: Baths!


Building your Birth Plan/Preference Sheet