Virtual Doula Support and Covid

2020 has certainly packed a punch! In the beginning we were blindsided and pivoting and now here we are facing 2021 with some of the same challenges. Currently for Baltimore and surrounding hospitals, Labor and Delivery restrictions are set to “One Support person per L&D patient”. This means that the patient will have to choose who joins them in the hospital. Understandably that is usually the partner/spouse. So..... where does that leave Doula Support? “What benefits do I have with hiring a doula if she can’t come in with us?”

We are so glad you asked!  Here are just a few benefits we thought we could highlight:

  • When clients hire us they receive our support and resources from Day One! Our phone lines, texts, emails and availability is open from the moment we contract together, allowing and encouraging open communication. Once you become our client, we then send out a special link to our website for “Clients Only” with TONS of great resources such as custom birth plan examples, up to date research and studies of some of the most popular questions and concerns for pregnancy, labor and birth and postpartum. The website also includes exercises and techniques for comfort and preparing for labor, resources for books and extended learning about popular topics and we add to the site often! We encourage our clients to check this private site often so that they can always access the information that they need to stay informed and encouraged.

Virtual Doula Support

We make every effort to be in person with our clients as often as possible! In general, we offer in-person support for our prenatal appointments, our childbirth and family classes; and if you are planning to labor at home before going to your hospital, we will labor with you at your home until you are ready for that transition. One of the key points we discuss in pregnancy is WHEN you are wanting to go to your birth place. Together, we will come up with a plan to discuss what laboring at home can look like for your labor and how to work to meet your goals. We are completely prepared and experienced to help you evaluate your labor as its happening to find the best time to transfer to the hospital for the rest of your labor and birth of your baby.

  • Once you arrive at your birth place- we will be ready to join you virtually. We use a variety of methods such as phone, text, email, Zoom, Skype, and FaceTime. We have a few strategic ways that we can work with clients for this arrangement to work well- and we’ve met great nursing and support staff at the hospitals to help us meet our clients support needs. During our planning, we will focus on your needs and concerns for virtual support and go over the ways that will work best for you. One thing that remains the same for all of our birth support- we are 100% available to you- day or night and are ready to offer you the time and attention your birth needs.

  • As a small “Extra” we send our clients a gift ahead of time - a Labor Care Package. We do this because we want you to have some of our most often used, hands - on items to pack in your bags for your time at your birth place. Its our way of saying “My hands may not be with you, but my heart is!”. We still bring our birth tool bag to your home to help you labor, but this extra care pack is your personal one to pack ahead of time so its ready to join you on your labor day.

  • We offer several package options for our clients needs and goals. You can pick the one that fits you best- including the Virtual Package. Some clients choose to have their doula virtually through their pregnancy, labor and birth and we are so honored and excited to support you this way. We will still have our prenatal meeting(s) virtually and we will plan and prepare together for your ideas, special concerns and goals.

Whichever support package you choose - our in-person options to labor at home or our Virtual Package, we will be ready to support you in pregnancy and for your labor and birth.

Please reach out with any questions on our Contact Us page.

Be safe and Well! 


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Postpartum and the Holidays