What makes a VBAC “successful”? Part 1

Not too long ago we were told, “Once a C-section birth, always a C-section birth”. This is certainly not a true blanket statement and in fact, for MOST people, a Vaginal Birth After Caesarian (VBAC) is a safe option for families to consider. 

We birth workers are seeing the need for VBACs rise more now than ever! At times, at least half of my personal client base are seeking a VBAC and the support to help them achieve a successful vaginal birth. In over 10 years of being a doula, supporting VBAC families has been a common theme for me and has become an important part of our practice.

I put together made a small list of resources to help those beginning to think about if a VBAC is the right choice for you.

Maryland VBAC Doula

1. Choose your provider wisely.

You want a Pro-VBAC provider…. Not someone who is VBAC tolerant or just hands down rules before they listen to each individual patient.

2. Choose a VBAC-experienced doula.

While hiring a doula is always an important consideration for birth, it is especially true here. Hire a doula who is familiar with the area providers and birth places; someone who understands the impact that a previous C-section can have on mothers; someone who can prepare you and your support team and support you with fresh ideas, a listening ear, and the tools to have a successful vaginal delivery.

Vaginal Birth After Caesarian VBAC

3. See a Webster-certified Chiropractor.

Keeping your pelvis aligned and balanced is key to feeling good throughout pregnancy as well as for baby to have good fetal positioning as it makes its way into the birth canal. This process starts in pregnancy, so its best to see a chiropractor at the beginning of pregnancy. Webster-Certified is important because the training and certification that these chiropractors go through, enables them to provide care to pregnant women for optimal fetal positioning and balance to your body.

Check back with us next week for more VBAC support and tips. We’d love to talk with you personally about our doula services and how we can support you in your upcoming pregnancy, birth and postpartum! 


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